Novosibirsk is the administrative center of Novosibirsk Oblast as well as of Siberian Federal District. The city resides in the south-western part of Siberia at the banks of the Ob River.
Sunrise: | 09:26 |
Sunset: | 17:57 |
Transit: | 13:41 |
Civil twilight | begin 08:45 | end 18:37 |
Nautical twilight | begin 08:01 | end 19:21 |
Astronomical twilight | begin 07:18 | end 20:04 |
Day | Sunrise | Sunset | |
Wed | (29 Jan 2025) | 09:24 | 17:59 |
Thu | (30 Jan 2025) | 09:22 | 18:01 |
Fri | (31 Jan 2025) | 09:21 | 18:03 |
Sat | (1 Feb 2025) | 09:19 | 18:05 |
Sun | (2 Feb 2025) | 09:17 | 18:07 |
Mon | (3 Feb 2025) | 09:15 | 18:09 |
Tue | (4 Feb 2025) | 09:13 | 18:11 |
Latitude: | 55°2' North |
Longitude: | 82°55' East |
Standard time is followed year around in Novosibirsk.
* |
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is originally referring to mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. GMT and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) can be seen equivalent when fractions of a second are not important. |