Local current time in Espoo, Finland
Time and date
Espoo, Finland
Standard UTC/GMT: |
Daylight Saving Time (DST): |
Sunrise: |
09:26 |
Sunset: |
15:15 |
Transit: |
12:20 |
Civil twilight |
begin 08:28 |
end 16:13 |
Nautical twilight |
begin 07:30 |
end 17:10 |
Astronomical twilight |
begin 06:38 |
end 18:02 |
Sunrise and sunset times on the following 7 days
Day |
Sunrise |
Sunset |
Mon |
(23 Dec 2024) |
09:26 |
15:15 |
Tue |
(24 Dec 2024) |
09:26 |
15:16 |
Wed |
(25 Dec 2024) |
09:27 |
15:17 |
Thu |
(26 Dec 2024) |
09:27 |
15:18 |
Fri |
(27 Dec 2024) |
09:27 |
15:19 |
Sat |
(28 Dec 2024) |
09:26 |
15:20 |
Sun |
(29 Dec 2024) |
09:26 |
15:21 |
Weather forecast for Espoo
Latitude: |
60°12′ North |
Longitude: |
24°39′ East |
saving time information
Year |
Begins |
Ends |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
2029 |
Major cities in Europe
Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Hamburg, Germany |
Moscow, Russia |
Athens, Greece |
Hannover, Germany |
Munich, Germany |
Berlin, Germany |
Leeds, UK |
Oslo, Norway |
Birmingham, UK |
Lisbon, Portugal |
Paris, France |
Brussels, Belgium |
London, UK |
Rome, Italy |
Cologne, Germany |
Luxembourg, Luxembourg |
Stockholm, Sweden |
Dublin, Ireland |
Madrid, Spain |
Stuttgart, Germany |
Düsseldorf, Germany |
Manchester, UK |
Vienna, Austria |
Frankfurt, Germany |
Milan, Italy |
Zurich, Switzerland |