Local current time in Antalya, Turkey

Time and date

Antalya, Turkey

UTC/ GMT* details

Standard UTC/GMT:
Daylight Saving Time (DST):



Sunrise: 08:07
Sunset: 17:45
Transit: 12:56

Civil twilight begin 07:38 end 18:14
Nautical twilight begin 07:06 end 18:46
Astronomical twilight begin 06:34 end 19:18

Sunrise and sunset times on the following 7 days

Day Sunrise Sunset
Mon (23 Dec 2024) 08:07 17:45
Tue (24 Dec 2024) 08:08 17:46
Wed (25 Dec 2024) 08:08 17:47
Thu (26 Dec 2024) 08:09 17:47
Fri (27 Dec 2024) 08:09 17:48
Sat (28 Dec 2024) 08:09 17:49
Sun (29 Dec 2024) 08:09 17:49

Weather forecast for Antalya


Latitude: 36°53' North
Longitude: 30°42' East


saving time information

One time is followed year around in Antalya.



Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is originally referring to mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. GMT and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) can be seen equivalent when fractions of a second are not important.